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Hari ini

Hari ini :
  1. Balik kampung - sepupu kawen
  2. Tak dapat pergi pesta buku kat angsana - sedeeeeeeyyyyyyy.... sob..sob..sob..
  3. Gaji dah masuk - hoyyyehhhhh..

# Cabaran 10 hari blogging termaktub untuk weekdays sahaja - weekend tak termasuk.. =)

    Is the new Maxis Home Broadband available in your area?

    Is the new Maxis Home Broadband available in your area?: So how fast is 30Mbps? Surf without lag, YouTube by just pressing "Play", download all the music you want for free, read your favorite blogs with tons of pictures! All of that is available instantly and in the comfort of your own home. To add on to this great promo, you get free minutes to call Maxis/Hotlink mobile fixed lines and the best bit, even IDD calls!

    How do you like the new Volkswagen Jetta?

    How do you like the new Volkswagen Jetta?: Just when you thought the mid-sized sedan wasn't your type of car, here comes the new Volkswagen Jetta. It's German engineered quality for the masses.


    Awak tinggalkan kita

    Hei awak... lepas ni kita dah susah nak jumpa lagi sebab awak dah tinggalkan kita dengan kawan-kawan yang lain. Sedihnya rasa bila kita tak dengar lagi gelak ketawa dan senda gurau dari awak minggu depan.

     Awak akan berhijrah ke tempat lain yang penuh dengan cabaran dan dugaan. Tak mengapa kerna kami di sini sentiasa mendoakan yang terbaik untuk awak sebab awak berhijrah demi menggapai cita-cita awak. Kami akan sentiasa menyokong awak dari belakang walaupun kita jauh di mata ( namun dekat di hati.. )

    Kami harap awak tak lupakan kami di sini bila dah di sana tu. Kita masih boleh berhubung melalui telefon, sms, facebook, email etc. untuk bertanya khabar sesama kita. Pastinya kita akan saling merindui bila tidak lagi bekerja bersama.

    Kami semua doakan yang awak akan lebih berjaya di tempat baru, dengan suasana baru, rakan-rakan sekerja yang baru dan juga persekitaran kerja baru. Jangan lupa kan kami kat jb tauuuu...


    B.O.R.I.N.G yang teramat sangat.. ( plus menyampah lagik )

    Baru lepas habis meeting paling boringgggggggggg..........

    Pagi-pagi aku suruh ko explain dengan bos, ko cakap ok kan.
    Pastu dalam meeting tadi bila aku pass soh ko yang explain, ko boleh buat blurrr jekkk.
    Menyirap darah aku tengok muka kooooo kan..... selamba jerrr.....
    Sudah nyer orang lain yang explain bagi pihak ko.
    Pastu ko plak boleh buat hal sendiri tak endahkan kitorang yang tengah meeting ni.
    Kan tengah discussion, bagi perhatian sikit boleh takkkkkk?????

    Tengah-tengah explaining ada pulak yang mencelah.
    Tengah-tengah sharing info ada yang tak puas hati.
    Dah rasa macam nak bergaduh pun yer.
    Panas je hati aku kan tengok diorang ni...
    Sudahnyer aku cepat-cepat habiskan meeting tadi dan bersurai.

    10 things about you

    Apa dia 10 perkara tentang aku.

    1- Dalam keluarga, aku anak no.1 dari 5 bersaudara dan seorang isteri yang bekerjaya.

    2- Merah, biru, ungu, hijau, hitam, coklat - warna pilihan aku untuk pakaian. Setiap kali pilih baju atau slack mesti pilih dari warna-warna ni.

    3- Masak-masak - aku akan pastikan yang dapur aku berasap beberapa kali dalam seminggu. Nak kata pandai masak - tidaklah sangat. Masih merangkak lagi untuk jadik super chef. Yang penting hubby kenyang lepas makan, itu dah cukup bagus.

    4- Favoritas drink & food - dari kecik sampai besar aku memang suka minum 'teh o'. Dah besar sikit baru suka 'teh ais', 'tembikai laici' dan 'teh o laici suam'. All time favorite makanan adalah asam pedas johor ( ikan/ayam ) dan juga mee bandung Cik Timah ( masakan mak aku ).

    5- Aku suka novel - dulu-dulu masa sekolah selalu kongsi beli  novel dengan kawan-kawan. Kemudian rolling novel tu bagi tiap-tiap orang baca. Lagi ramai lagi seronok berkongsi baca novel. Sampai sekarang kalau jumpa novel yang menarik dan best mesti aku akan beli buat koleksi.

    6- Aku suka majalah - tiap-tiap bulan lepas gaji mesti aku beli satu majalah. Sekarang ni yang jadi favorite adalah majalah COSMOPOLITAN Malaysia. Then bila rasa perlu baru aku beli majalah lain macam Mingguan Wanita, Rapi,.etc.

    7- Aku suka rancangan 'National Geographic' - yang memaparkan flora dan fauna di muka bumi ini berserta bentuk muka-bumi ciptaan-Nya. Rancangan yang penuh dengan informasi dan motivasi.

    8- Shopping - hanya dengan window shopping sahaja dah boleh mem-bakar lemak dan cuci-cuci mata. Seronokkkk... =)

    9- Be positive - bila rasa bosan dengan kerja atau seseorang, aku akan set dalam kepala 'be positive' & 'think positive'. Baru boleh buat kerja dengan teratur dan berhemah dan bergaul dengan sopan dan santun.

    10- Lesen - baru nak daftar untuk dapatkan lesen kereta sahaja. Lesen motor not allowed..

    # Dah rasa macam buat biodata masa sekolah rendah pulak

    10 hari cabaran blog

    ....Yer 10 hari cabaran blog iaitu 10 hari terus menerus adanya entry di blog ini. Dulu-dulu aku dah pernah cuba sekali - 30 hari blogging tapi kurang berjaya bagi aku. Kali ini aku nak cuba pulak untuk 10 hari ( harapnya berjaya ). 10 hari begitu pendek kan dan idea bernas kali ini datangnya dari blog ziq zikri ( 10 hari cabaran blog ).

    Intipati 10 hari cabaran blog :
    1. 10 things about you
    2. 10 things you love
    3. 10 things you hate
    4. 10 things you want to say to one person
    5. 10 wishes
    6. 10 items you cant live without
    7. 10 important people
    8. 10 of your feveret song
    9. 10 ways to win your heart.
    10. 10 final words

    Cabaran akan bermula esok siang. Harap bersedia.

    Oklah nak tido. Bye..

    Impian hati

    Siang tadi masa teman mak beli barang kat giant, aku terpandang kamera best ni kat kedai kamera. Tak tau kenapa tapi hati dah meronta-ronta suruh kaki bergerak ke kedai tu. Mungkin sebab kamera ni best tu yang hati terpaut.

    Memang dah ada niat nak beli kamera baru since kamera yang sedia ada ni ingat nak pas bagi adik-adik pakai - so aku boleh lah beli yang baru, nak beli yang lebih canggih dari yang sedia ada ni. Cuma keadaan sekarang tak mengizinkan aku untuk beli barang-barang idaman hati aku ni - nak kena simpan duit sebab ada 'urusan penting' yang kena di-settle-kan awal  tahun depan. Jadi semua impian aku KIV dulu.

    Buat masa sekarang cuma ada 2 pilihan nak dapatkan kamera canggih ni - beli sendiri atau masuk peraduan yang ada tawarkan kamera-canggih sebagai hadiah. Beli sendiri - ambil masa lama untuk simpan duit. Masuk peraduan based-on-luck, nasib baik dapat, tak nasib baik kena cuba lagi.
    Sebelum dapat beli, aku beranganlah dulu. Tadi siang yang ada kat kedai tu cuma jenama Nikon dengan Canon sahaja - bolehlah buat cuci-mata. Dengan kamera canggih ni, tentu hasilkan gambar dengn kualiti yang bagus kan..... Tak sabar nak rembat satu unit. Harapan utama  dengan menang peraduan, tak perlu keluarkan duit-poket sendiriiiii.... =)

    Nikon D90

    Canon EOS 60D


    Happy holiday

    pic from google

    Oooo... lambat pulak nak wish kan....
    to all Hindus in Malaysia

    Perayaan sekaligus dengan cuti am.
    Memang happening..


    Senyap dari bola

    Assalamualaikum... Selamat tengahari...

    Hari yang aman sedunia hari ini. Sebab semalam
    Manchester United kalah 0-6 dengan Manchester City
    Hahaha... Takde pulak ramai yang kepoh-kepoh. Cuba kalau MU yang menang, kecoh satu opis. Aman dan damai. Satu 'perkataan' tentang bola pun tak terucap.. Memang down habis lah para peminat MU kan.. Manjang lah sedihnya.. ;P


    The National Autism Society of Malaysia

    The National Autism Society of Malaysia: Autism is a complex developmental disorder which results in communication, sensory, social and learning disability that typically appears during the first three years of life. It is also associated with rigid routines or repetitive behaviours such as obsessively following schedules or playing certain toys in a monotonous manner, or in a much specified way.

    It is a spectrum disorder, variable in severity and in symptoms across individuals. There is a range of intelligence, functioning level, sensory problems, communication abilities and behaviour patterns. Autistic behaviours not only make life difficult for people with autism but also make life hard for their families, their health care providers and their teachers.
    There is no known single cause for autism.

    Although there is no known cure, children with autism have emerged from their autistic disabilities to function like a near-normal child. This is achieved through early intervention and rehabilitation programme, which till today, offers the best hope for children with autism. Given appropriate early intervention and education, children with autism have the chance to improve themselves.

    When the world shuts you out, we are still open...

    When the world shuts you out, we are still open...: Having the ability to empathize and display compassion is a natural human gift that we can give to others at zero cost. A gift that could sometimes save lives!

    Whenever a close friend or family is in distress, do you find yourself offering your best advice or seeking ways to comfort him/her? The more important question is, how do you know if your efforts are really making a difference?

    Befrienders Malaysia are FRIENDS to those who are suicidal, depressed or in despair.
    With the support and training from other experienced volunteers and professional experts, you could possibly be a life saving friend under Befrienders Malaysia.

    If you want to be a greater friend to others and have no discrimination against creed, race, religion, age or sex, become a volunteer and begin changing lives today.

    Don't have the time and rather offer financial support? Donate to the cause instead! - DONATE.Most of all, if you are feeling depressed or suicidal, or just needed someone to talk to, call the Befrienders at 03-79568144/45, at anytime, day or night!

    Age of Adolescence

    Age of Adolescence: Today, 5.47 million adolescents live in Malaysia, taking up around one-fifth of the country’s population. With a growing number of young adults worldwide, there is an increase in the need to develop the potential of children between the age of 10-19 yrs old in order to bring out the best in them.With current social pressures and responsibilities, more and more adolescents are forced to grow up faster than ever before; sometimes pushing them to perform beyond their physical and emotional limits.Without proper upbringing and education, children often become easy targets of abuse; sadly leading to an increase in cases of suicide and self-inflicted injuries amongst young victims.

    Adolescents are prospects of the future that hold a large portion of the nations success.

    Committing our time and efforts in their lives is not only the right thing to do, but also the smart thing to do.

    What is your motivation in life?

    What is your motivation in life?: motivationMY hopes to inspire and empower young Malaysians without spoon-feeding its followers with the usual life’s How-To’s. With a Twitter account and a blog, friends of motivationMY are expected to put their thinking cap on and share their thoughts and wisdom with the rest. We believe everyone has something worth sharing and their wisdom could be of useful to someone.What are you grateful for today? Is our education system producing critical thinkers? How do you handle difficult colleagues? When was the last time you stepped out of your your comfort zone? Those are some of the questions posted by motivationMY. Follow @motivationMY on Twitter or visit motivationMY.com to answer our daily question or be inspired by what our friends have to say.

    WYF believes in you, but do YOU?

    WYF believes in you, but do YOU?: The World Youth Foundation (WYF) is an international non-governmental organization that aims to promote research, development and documentation of youth programmes beneficial to youths worldwide.

    The Foundation has organized various seminars/meetings, conferences/dialogues for youth in areas such as population, HIV/AIDS, human rights, education, environment, sustainable development, terrorism, racism, entrepreneurship, globalization, culture, drug and substance abuse etc.

    Backed by international efforts to tackle worldwide issues, youths all over the world are given an opportunity to take lead on beneficial projects that they are passionate about and voice them out in hope to make the world a better place.

    In this generation, more young adults are getting involved in efforts to take on global issues like climate change and environmental declination. However, this is only one of the many issues that World Youth Foundation seeks to engage and empower young people to take lead on. If you have a passion for human rights, peace, the environment, or any other world changing efforts, get in touch with World Youth Foundation and be a force of change.
    The greatest efforts are those that put actions above words.

    Build a home in 3 days!

    Build a home in 3 days!: EPIC Homes is an outreach program by EPIC Collaborative that empowers volunteers to build homes for underprivileged communities over a period of 3 days. EPIC Homes has become a platform with the purpose of building relationships between people of different social economical levels and developing leaders through the challenge of constructing and repairing houses.
    Currently, EPIC is focused on developing the village of Kampung Ulu/Hulu Tamu where they have already built 2 houses and a veranda. EPIC hopes to build 18 more houses and repair 19 more in the same area. To achieve this, financial support, material sponsors and many willing hands are needed!

    Interested to be involved in organizing and project management?
    Interested in sponsoring/ funding a house or running a team & house building event for your organization?
    Interested in being a volunteer for upcoming events?

    Stay tuned for the 2012 schedule real soon! EPIC works on a first come first serve basis so stay alert on http://epichome.org/.
    Also, catch the EPIC Team in action here :

    Everyone needs a place where they can call home...

    Everyone needs a place where they can call home...: It's late in the night, and you hear a child screaming. The father seems to have returned home, and is apparently not in a good mood; as he has been for the past few weeks now. Every other night, you hear the tearful pleas of a woman begging for him to stop, but the screams of pain from the child continues. The next day, you see that same child, coming out from the house next door, boarding the school bus with a noticeable strange limp in her walk, while her face remains emotionally dazed and grim.Child abuse can happen any day, anywhere, and at any time. What makes it worse is that often, the abuser is one whom the child trusts to give them love, and shelter. It is our duty as a neighbour, a citizen, and as a person, to report such incidents should we realise what is happening.Shelter was established in 1981 for such a purpose. We receive children of such cases from the Welfare Department and from brave parents who want to rescue their children from such situations. These children come to us, broken and abused. In time, we help to nurture and care for them and raise them to confront their past, and move on to seek a brighter future. It doesn't matter from what age and race you come from; for the some 450 children that we care for and support in our homes and refugee schools, it means a brighter future for them all.Help us, to give them a chance at a future they deserve to have.

    Save wildlife, report crimes to the Wildlife Crime Hotline!

    Save wildlife, report crimes to the Wildlife Crime Hotline!: You’re on a leisurely day out, strolling along a street in Malaysia... Suddenly – “Hallo, nak beli gigi harimau? Kuku harimau? Kalau pakai banyak ‘ong’!”

    You’re stunned for a moment… people are still killing our wild tigers just because of superstitious beliefs? What can you do to stop this?

    Call the 24-hour Wildlife Crime Hotline* 019 356 4194 and help the authorities put tiger traders behind bars! Reports are instantly channelled to them for action!

    The tiger in the above scenario could very possibly be replaced by tortoises, pangolins, bears, leopards, orang utans and more, but the number to call is the same.

    Imagine thousands, or even millions of Malaysians keeping their eyes out for illegal activities, whether in markets, pet shops, restaurants, or even on the internet!! Where will all the baddies hide?

    Under the new Wildlife Conservation Act 2010, criminals face much higher penalties, for example convicted tiger poachers / traders / consumers will be fined minimum RM100,000 and jailed up to five years.

    *The hotline is only applicable in Peninsular Malaysia.
    What information is needed?**

    What crime took place? (poaching, smuggling, selling, keeping as a pet)
    Where did it happen? (address, shop name, landmarks)
    When did it take place? (date & time)

    **Images or video footage may assist investigations
    It's time to be on the prowl for wildlife traders!

    RunFest Cyberjaya 2012

    RunFest Cyberjaya 2012: A running movement with a difference. FUHREAL.A community that runs together, stays together. In the spirit of all things communal and good, we bring you RunFest Cyberjaya 2012, a social initiative by runfool.WHAT IS RUNFEST?A fun run. And when we say fun, WE MEAN FUN. There will be a bazaar, music &performances, workshops & of course, food & beverage tents. Inspired by the sport houses during our good ‘ol primary schooling years (Rumah Biru, Rumah Merah, Rumah Hijau, anyone?), RunFest will be made up of 4 different tribes that compete against each other.The tribes compete for medals. Compete for sport. Compete for bragging rights. Compete for no apparent reason. Compete for fun!WHO CAN JOIN?You. Your boyfriend. Your girlfriend. Your spouse. Your parents. Your parents’ parents. Your BFF. Your neighbor. Your evil boss. Your pet cat. RunFest is open to everyone!All forms of runners, especially newbies are welcomed. But we do have limited spots of only 1000 runners. So you know the drill, first come-first served.“PROJEK KASUT”Yes, it is fun & games. But we’re also initiating an independent community donation drive aiming to collect gently-used running shoes for the underprivileged. As a start, shoes that are collected will be donated to the Trainees of Monfort Youth Training Centre in Kinarut, Sabah. Trainees at MYTC are made of about 140 youths between the ages of 16 to 20. The donated running shoes will be used to support the school's extracurricular activities. It’s our small contribution towards building the rural communities in Malaysia.

    Do you find second hand smoke irritating?

    Do you find second hand smoke irritating?: Do you find secondhand smoke irritating?
    You might just bear with it because you think that it doesn’t affect you.But these are the facts!

    4000 known chemicals in tobacco smoke and at least 250 of them are harmful and more than 50 cause cancer. NON-SMOKERS are at risks of developing lung cancer and other related diseases attributed to tobacco smoke too!

    Bidding4Charity - Bidding For A Better Life!

    Bidding4Charity - Bidding For A Better Life!: Want to own a Yusof Gajah painting or a PRADA wallet? Now you can bid for one and not feel guilty!

    Bidding4Charity provides internet consumers a fundraising platform to help charities in Malaysia. The new concept of GIVING BY BUYING.

    Care for the inside with your outward support

    Care for the inside with your outward support: The kidney is a vital part of the body that helps to remove waste products and excess water from the body. The bean-shaped organ allows us to consume a variety of foods, drugs, vitamins, and excess fluids without the harmful build-up of toxic waste.As vital as the organ is to the body, a lot of us tend to take it for granted and neglect the importance of thinking before consuming. But be warned my friends!

    Make a wish come true!

    Make a wish come true!: Has anyone ever asked you...

    Do you have the HATI to help?

    Do you have the HATI to help?: HATI.org.my is a non-profit web-portal on Malaysian charities, non-profit NGO's and underprivileged communities.

    Are you willing to care for another human being without looking at race and nationality?

    Are you willing to care for another human being without looking at race and nationality?: Malaysia is a country of growing cultures, ethnics, race and religion.

    In the recent years, refugees from neighbouring countries and afar have been adding to the country's population, taking up local jobs in search of a means to get by.

    According to UNHCR Malaysia, there are currently 94,800 refugees and asylum-seekers registered under them (as of September 2011) and an estimated 10,000 more that are unregistered. The staggering numbers consist of about 71% men, 29% women and about 19,200 children below the age of 18. Unlike migrants, refugees do not choose to leave their countries but are forced to do so for reasons such as armed conflict, serious public disorder and complex human rights issues. Refugees in Malaysia leave their homelands with little or no support and require the help of organizations such as the UNHCR to find long term solutions to their situations. In order to rise up above adversity, refugees require your initial support, donation and sponsorship in order to begin a new life of self-reliance.

    The first step towards understanding is to learn about refugees. Contact the UNHCR to find out how you can assist refugees in Malaysia.

    Is your animal getting the care it deserves?

    Is your animal getting the care it deserves?: Many of us have pet animals, and to some they are so close to our hearts that we allow them into our homes and sometimes even on our beds! On the other hand, some people have working animals like guard dogs, riding horses, drought animals and carrier mules. Be it as a pet or for carrying out tasks, animals under our supervision are fully dependant on us for their food, shelter and well-being. Having ownership over them, it is important to keep a close eye on their behavour as animals are also capable of getting stressed just like humans. Caring for animals, plants and all the earth is simply an extension of the compassion that we share with our loved ones around us. The Malaysian National Animal Welfare Foundation helps to promote a caring Malaysian society through creating awareness and a balanced approach to animal welfare for the well being of animal and mankind.

    Use your hands to touch the lives of others. Literally!

    Use your hands to touch the lives of others. Literally!: When finding a new home, we immediately think.. oh lets buy a place there or lets rent this place here. Although these may seem like the average person's options, some Malaysians are not as fortunate to have a place where they can call home.

    Due to natural disasters and tight financial circumstances, many Malaysians are forced into homelessness or live in uncomfortable situations for generations due to their lack of education and ability to uproot their families to a greater community.

    Although most rural communities do get by with self-built homes, issues like safety and security are not prioritized. This will only result in a dangerous cycle of home calamities that could, in fact, be avoided.With Habitat for Humanity Malaysia, homeowners who need a hand up can now get the support they need if they are also willing to put in their own effort.

    Poverty is a cycle...but it can be broken.

    Poverty is a cycle...but it can be broken.: The cycle of poverty is an issue that begins when a child is born into an extremely low income family and enters an environment that lacks stimulation. With lack of education, children grow up with low self-image due to improper attention from caring role-models.Delinquency, loitering, gangsterism and abuse are highly common amongst illiterate teenagers; further lowering their chances of obtaining a secure and steady job. The issue snowballs when these teenagers get involved in pre-marital sex and are forced to start families without a stable income. The poverty cycle will then be passed on to the next generation.How does the cycle end?Education.Dignity for Children promotes the importance of education and funds one-stop community-learning centres to help children between the age of 2-17 yrs old. All Dignity Education Programmes are based on the national curriculum as prescribed by the MOE, but incorporate Montesorri principles and philosophies in execution. This means that proper training is carried out for volunteers who wish to become teachers.

    With over 14,000 children in Malaysia who do not have access to school, teachers are in great demand in foundations such as Dignity. The life-changing work of Dignity for Children Foundation is only made possible through the continued help and support of people like you! Get involved and become a seed of change in a child’s life today.

    Light up a little life!

    Light up a little life!: Yayasan Sunbeams Home is a place that sheds light to underprivileged children in Malaysia. Having homed the displaced, misplaced, abused and neglected children of single parents since 1995, Sunbeams is the beacon of hope for children that long for a bright future.With several homes, daycare centres, learning centres and a feeding ministry set up within Malaysia, Sunbeams meets the daily needs of children at a feat of RM 80,000 per month. Depending on the support of people like YOU, Sunbeams hopes to provide more and reach more underprivileged children in Malaysia through their wishes to expand. With a current RM 1.5 million renovation plan that caters to 100 children, your monetary donation, large or small will be greatly appreciated. If you are interested in helping out in other ways, do consider donating items, offering your time, service, or even spread the word of the amazing work in place. Every little bit helps.

    Giuliana Rancic fights breast cancer. Follow her lead and get an early mammogram today!

    Giuliana Rancic fights breast cancer. Follow her lead and get an early mammogram today!: Looking fit and having one of the most interesting careers, Giuliana Rancic was all about living a year of fun this 2011. Planning to undergo IVF treatment to conceive a baby, Rancic was determined to have a child with husband, Bill Rancic even through her busy life as the co-host of E! News. However, all plans came to a standstill this mid-October as Rancic's mammogram test revealed that the 36 year old host was diagnosed with early stages of breast cancer.At a young age, Rancic was shocked with the life-threatening news and did not expect it coming. Not able to continue with her IVF treatment, Giuliana is still determined to have a full recovery and would still like to be a mother one day. Coming out to the public wasn't easy after receiving the

    Maybank is back with another fun game for Deepavali

    Maybank is back with another fun game for Deepavali: Cuztomise your avatar, decorate your house and earn Tiger Points. Play now! Powered by Maybank.


    Mati ditembak

    ...Akhirnya bekas pemimpin Libya mati ditembak di dalam pertempuran di tempat sendiri. Mengerikan tengok gambar dia. Penuh darah kat muka.

    Nak tau lagi, baca SINI..

    # Sumber Kosmo



    Adakalanya kita sering terlupa dengan nombor ini.
    Nombor hafalan & ingatan sehari-hari sebagai tiang agama kita.
    Iaitu solat 5 waktu.
    Subuh ( 2 rakaat ), Zohor ( 4 rakaat ), Asar ( 4 rakaat ), Maghrib ( 3 rakaat ) dan Isyak ( 4 rakaat ).
    Aku pun bukanlah alim sangat tapi aku cuba sedaya upaya agar tak terlepas solat 5 waktu ini.
    Dalam kita sibuk dengan aktiviti seharian kita, jangan kita lupakan solat walau dalam apa jua keadaan sekalipun.
    Sebagai seorang Muslim, inilah tiang agama kita.
    Pendinding kita dari perkara-perkara munkar..

    # Mengingati diri sendiri dan yang lain-lain juga..


    Papa John's set meals at RM9.90 and Free drinks at Capriciossa!

    Unbelievable, Papa John's set meals at RM9.90 and Free drinks at Capriciossa!: Share more moments of laughter with your friends over a tantalising lunch. With Standard Chartered Card, savour your favourite flavours every day and enjoy more of The Good Life™. Find out more about the dining offer choices.

    How would a Magnum Tiara with a Thousand Diamonds look on your head?

    How would a Magnum Tiara with a Thousand Diamonds look on your head?: Have you ever wanted to be a princess with a beautiful Tiara on your head? Here's your chance, just submit your photo and participate in the Magnum Enjoy The Royal Treatment Contest. Winner takes the Tiara home(worth RM200,000), RM500 Cash Prizes to all Finalists too. Join now!

    Kindergarten Percuma untuk anak anda, macam mana nak dapat?

    Kindergarten Percuma untuk anak anda, macam mana nak dapat?: Video infomercial tentang Prasekolah daripada GTP Program Transformasi Kerajaan.

    247 Sentiasa Disisiku

    Kena selalu ingat bahawa Allah swt sentiasa berada dekat kita tak kira dalam keadaan senang atau susah.
    24 jam sehari, 7 hari seminggu.

    Jangan lupa bahawa setiap kejadian yang berlaku itu pasti ada sebabnya.
    Ada hikmah yang menanti.
    Jangan mudah merungut, jangan mudah mengeluh.
    Anggaplah ia sebagai dugaan dan cabaran dalam menempuh kehidupan yang mendatang.


    MotoGP is back!


    Assalamualaikum dan selamat hari Isnin..

    Wah rindunya dengan blog. Hujung minggu yang penuh dengan aktiviti menyebabkan update di blog dipinggirkan. Sekadar sempat menjengah ke blog kawan-kawan yang lain. Banyak cerita untuk dikongsikan dan menantikan masa yang sesuai untuk disiarkan...

    Bila hari isnin, kerja memang banyak dan selalunya 'URGENT' ( kata bos kechik aku ).

    So hari ni takmo moody-moody... kena berfikiran positif untuk menghabiskan kerja-kerja yang banyak itu...


    Cuba cari

    Cuba cari apa yang janggal dengan text-photo ni????

    Jom uji minda masing-masing

    Sesiapa yang boleh baca teks ni memang terror arrr.. tabik spring....

    Ah-ha....bos kechik dah masuk kerja..

    ...hui berjimba sakan 2-3 hari ni sebab bos kechik aku pergi outstation ke china. Ada urusan kerja di sana. Dan hari ini dia telah masuk kerja. Whhhoooo......mulalah sessi ceramah perdana dari dia. Sebab 2-3 hari dia tak kerja, dia suruh aku dengan geng sorang ni update dia apa kerja yang kitorang dah buat sepanjang dia takde.

    Nak jawab jujur sangat tak boleh, tak berapa-nak-jujur pun tak boleh...Ala update tentang kerja je lah. Sepanjang dia takde kitorang terasa sangat AMAN.. Takde arahan-kuku-besi dari dia. Boleh santai-santai layan blog, borak-borak dengan member, makan-makan dan sebagainya sambil laksanakan kerja yang dah sedia ada. Ada lah masa untuk berehat. Kalau tidak, hilang sekejap ke 'jamban' pun di cari. hehehheheheee......

    Tapi aku rasa lebih baik dia kerja daripada dia cuti. Sebab kalau dia cuti kerja nya lebih banyak dari biasa. Semua kitorang kena handle. Tapi kalau dia ada, senang sikit. Dia yang handle semua dan kami orang bawahan hanya terima arahan sahaja.. Senang kannnn...

    Hari ni dia dah masuk kerja..bermulalah seksa-jiwa-dan-raga-ku...

    # Oh morning briefing hari ni mengambil masa selama 1 1/2 jam. Teramat lama + mengantuk dengar syarahan perdana

    Untuk anak JOHOR

    Khas kepada semua anak jati JOHOR..

    Hayatilah apa yang tertulis...
    Banggalah dengan segala adat resam kita sebagai anak kelahiran bumi JOHOR...
    Jangan hilangkan sifat anak jati JOHOR dalam diri kita...
    Peliharalah ia sebaik mungkin...
    Agar kita tidak lupa akan asal usul kita..

    Aku bangga menjadi anak jati JOHOR..

    Melunaskan janji

    ABC Kg Melayu...terbaeeeeekkkkk

    .....kepada kengkawan kat opis nih. Hari rabu lepas dah ter-tunai hajat nak belanja diorang sumer makan-makan. Plan awal nak belanja yang-special tapi tak berkesempatan jadinya belanja lah ABC kg melayu. Ada yang request suruh belanja ABC dan aku dengan sukanyerrrr belanja diorang,....

    Ni antara ABC yang paling sedap pernah aku makan. Tokey dia kalau letak kacang sama coklat memang tak kedekut. Banyak giler isinya. Lagi pulak ada eskrem atas dia. Mantappppp....

    ABC + 1 scoop eskrem = $3

    See the best dance crews dance at City Square Mall, JB

    See the best dance crews dance at City Square Mall, JB: Gatsby Dance Competition Malaysia is having a recruitment drive in City Square Mall, Johor Bahru on the 15th of October 2011. Check it out!



    ...tentang sengal

    Seboleh-bolehnya nak menukar cartridge printer tu, eh degil taknak replace dengan printer baruuuuuuuu.... Semalam siap panggil supplier betulkan printer. Then..

    Supplier : Ini cartridge memang tak ok ma..
    Aku : Lama dah tak ok ponnnn
    Supplier : ( Dengan muka tak puas hati ) Yelah itu, dulu refill China brand kurang bagus. Sekarang kita bagi original refill, baik punya..
    Aku : Yelah...

    Print document yang ada gambar..

    Supplier : Tengok ni, dah ok ma..
    Aku : Sikit je ok. As long as takde double gambar and double tulisan, acceptable. OK...?
    Supplier : Ok

    Dia kalau dah degil tahap gaban, memang susah nak betulkan. Jangan bagi printer ni buat-hal lagi, mau aku mengamuk lagi teruk dari biasa sebab printer ni ada kat belakang tempat duduk aku jer... Mau aku karate printer ni jadik 18 serpihan... Hua...hua...hua...

    Datuk Ahmad Jais meninggal dunia

    ......penyanyi kegemaran bapak aku telah pun meninggal dunia pada hari ini, selasa kira-kira jam 9.30 pagi tadi

    Arwah menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya di Pusat Perubatan Darul Ehsan ( DEMC ) pada usia 75 tahun.

    Sesungguhnya dari Dia kita datang, dan kepada Dia lah kita kembali...


    Apply For A HSBC Credit Card Now.


    This Is Why You Should Apply For A HSBC Credit Card Now.: If you are wondering when is the best time to apply for a credit card, this might just be it. Submit your details, you have nothing to lose, but a FREE Yes Go 4G dongle package worth RM249 to gain! Offer is limited to the first 1,500 customers, better hurry!

    Libresse - The drawer contest

    What's In Your Drawer? Libresse wants to find out.: All ladies have dirty secrets beneath the depths of our drawers. Or do they? Libresse feels that it doesn't have to be that way! Find out how you can be proud of being all woman, by loving the feel of hygiene.

    Show us the contents of your drawers to win exciting prizes - and the best part is you can choose your own awesome prize! Or Go Quiz Crazy and score yourself free KFC vouchers.

    Beli Cadbury zip dan boleh tebus hadiah menarik

    Hasil ber-BW ke sini, aku dapat info yang beli Cadbury Zip 114g boleh tebus hadiah. Paling mudah, beli 5 pek dah boleh tebus hadiah. Percubaan pertama, aku beli dan nak tebus kupon KFC/pizza hut RM40.

    Kebetulan sabtu lepas pergi jenjalan ka UO angsana, aku terus arr rembat 5 pek coklat cadbury ni. Gigih pilih mana 1 perasa yang nak dan carik yang promo beli 1 pek percuma seketul lagi ( jumlah 1 pek = 7 ketul ). Harga sepeket RM3.99 x 5, lebih kurang RM20 jugaklah aku berhabis semata-mata beli coklat nih... Sudahnya aku beli 2 coklat, 1 vanilla, 1 epal dan 1 strawberi..

    Target nak dapatkan oven Zanussi tu tapi sebelum dapat yang besar, kena target yang kechik dulu. Aku nak cuba tebus kupon KFC/pizza hut tu dulu. Kalau berjaya, aku beli banyak-banyak dan nak tebus oven tu. Takyah dah beli oven lain...

    Nak tau lagi boleh klik SINI dan SINI yer...

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