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When the world shuts you out, we are still open...

When the world shuts you out, we are still open...: Having the ability to empathize and display compassion is a natural human gift that we can give to others at zero cost. A gift that could sometimes save lives!

Whenever a close friend or family is in distress, do you find yourself offering your best advice or seeking ways to comfort him/her? The more important question is, how do you know if your efforts are really making a difference?

Befrienders Malaysia are FRIENDS to those who are suicidal, depressed or in despair.
With the support and training from other experienced volunteers and professional experts, you could possibly be a life saving friend under Befrienders Malaysia.

If you want to be a greater friend to others and have no discrimination against creed, race, religion, age or sex, become a volunteer and begin changing lives today.

Don't have the time and rather offer financial support? Donate to the cause instead! - DONATE.Most of all, if you are feeling depressed or suicidal, or just needed someone to talk to, call the Befrienders at 03-79568144/45, at anytime, day or night!

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